Monday, October 20, 2008

My Evening


My day started out nicely.  Today was Mom's Morning Out day for the boys, which let Josh and me have our Monday morning date that we are so thankful for.  Picked up the boys.  Had some lunch.

Here it begins. 

We decided to make a quick trip to Target to get Max some new pants because he keeps growing out of all of his.  This trip of course takes longer than expected.  We finally get back home at 3:00 or so and realize we need to have the oil changed in the van before our trip to West Virginia this week.  We think this won't be a big deal because we have a coupon for a dealership that we frequent that's close by.  Coupon expired Friday.  Okay, we decide to put off school until after dinner, so Josh can go to Wal-Mart to get the oil changed because we're sure it will be cheaper there than going to the dealership without the coupon.  Keep in mind this Wal-Mart is in the same area where the Target is that we just left 15-20 minutes away, as opposed to 5-10.  I get chicken out of the freezer for dinner, work on getting some clothes ready for the trip while Josh is gone, change two poopy diapers, do a load of laundry, fold another load and check my e-mail.  Josh gets home a little around 5:15 after paying more at Wal-Mart than he would have at the dealership.  Lesson learned.  I start making dinner while he takes the boys outside.  Dinner takes longer to get ready than anticipated, so we don't start eating until 6:50.  We eat, some of us.  One parent, I won't say who, has to go to the bathroom. While he's gone, I finish feeding Finn while repeating to Leo about 200 time to finish his dinner and griping at him for putting his cup at the edge of the table where it could spill easily.  He then proceeds to put it where it should be and knocks over almost all of it.  Trying to contain my instant anger, because Josh and I just had a conversation about being more gracious to the boys, I go get a towel and make myself not be mean.  Start cleaning up the kitchen.  Josh starts giving the boys a bath.  Must relieve Josh in bath-time duty because he's having intestinal distress.  I get to the bathroom, and Leo is sitting on the potty waiting to be wiped, Max is finished in the tub waiting to be dried, and Finn is standing in the tub pooping.  "Hurry and get out, Max, before Finn's poop gets on you!"  Max is dried.  Tub is drained.  Poop taken care of. Leo wiped.  Start running new water for Finn as he starts peeing.  Drain tub again.  Just wash him while water is running.  Finish and he poops again.  Clean his hind quarter and feet and also his hands because of course he touched his rear and dry him off.  Thankfully, with Josh getting the other two washed and them knowing how to dress themselves, the next few minutes were sane.  Get Finn diapered and pajamatized.  Clean up second poop.  Josh starts bedtime ritual.  Thank you, God, for that man.  Start another load of laundry.  Finish cleaning the kitchen.  Start water boiling to make a pitcher of tea.  Go look at my closet and find nothing that I want to take to wear for the trip.  Lay down.  Kettle whistles.  Pour boiling water on my hand.  Curse.  Confess.  Run water over my hand to make it stop burning.  Go lay down because my back hurts from holding Finn wrong earlier today.  Pray.  Burden easing.  Sit down at computer as Josh leaves for work and hear Max and Leo both in the bathroom.  Threaten them to get up again.  Blog for sanity.  Check on boys, all asleep!  Going to work for two hours.  I will survive.  

Now that I've purged, it's actually funny.  Lord, thanks for a laugh.


Jennifer said...

Okay, Mary Ann, I must admit it made me laugh. Partly because although I only have two to make me insane, four days a week I have four most of the day and my, oh my, what havoc can happen! I'm glad you can laugh about it...sometimes laughter is the only thing that can help keep your sanity! Oh yeah, sounds like Finn took after his daddy?

Anonymous said...

I started to chat with you yesterday on Facebook... glad I didn't. Hope your future days are filled with patience, love, happiness, and emptied of excessive pooping and second degree burns.

Aaron and Susan

Kathy said...

this was funny to read. i remember days like this....i promise it gets easier as they get older..but there are still days like this in different versions. (- poop!) u ever wonder how in the world single moms do it!?