Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Leoism While You Wait


Leo got himself into a little trouble last night before bed. After we had our discussion, I left the room for a minute to take care of something. When I came back, he said, "Mom, can you spare me a little love?"




I'm sorry to those few of you who actually check my blog regularly because I've been extremely lax about posting for quite awhile. I'm going to try and get back into posting more often, so here's my first update...of photos. You can't expect me to write something earth-shattering immediately, can you?

Josh in his very familiar place
finishing up some end-of-the-
semester work.

Max doing some reading for school.

The boys hanging out together watching TV.
Disregard the huge pile of unfolded laundry.

Spider Finn.

Not my loveliest picture ever, but I
wanted evidence on record that I do
cook once in a great while, plus a fairly
recent photo of my growing girl. :)

The 20-month daredevil about to climb over
the back of the couch.

Leo's most recent injury. He had a run-in with
the carpet.

That's all for now.