Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where is Home?

So…we’re on the road today, headed to old West Virginny! “Luuuuuv it,” as Wheezy says (Dragon Tales for those non-parents in the crowd-Dragon with sort of an Ethel Murman voice). Going back is always such a nice treat. The boys love getting to swim in the hotel pool where we stop along the way; we get treated to all kinds of meals; and best of all, we get to see our family and just relax.

Family is in West Virginia. We are in St. Louis. Which place is home? Can it be both? Josh and I always consider St. Louis home because that’s where we live with our lads. Then, why do we say that we’re “going home” when we take a trip to see the family? Do we secretly wish we were back there living? I don’t think so. Have we not truly settled in the Show-Me state? I do think so. We love it there. Perhaps it’s true; home is where the heart is. I don’t know who said that, but I think he/she was right. It’s simple but true. Home is the people you love, where you’re comfortable. My heart lies in more than one place, not broken; it just has many residences. My heart overflows so much that it doesn’t fit into one house, I guess. :) 

Currently, there’s a little of my heart in St. Louis waiting to get back into the routine. There’s a part of it in WV dying to see the boys (that part would be named Mom). There’s a bit of it driving to a different part of WV with my sister who really wants to be back at her new house unpacking stuff but instead needs to do some pre-graduation stuff. The last slice is here in the van, though, with my loves.