Friday, August 15, 2008

Conversation with Leo

Today, we were at the gas station getting gas.  Leo heard Josh talking to the man on the other side of the pump.  Here's the conversation:

Leo:  Daddy, who's that man...Daddy, who's that man...Mommy, who's that man Daddy is talking to?
Me:  I don't know.
Leo:  What did he say?
Me:  He asked Daddy how to get to the airport.
Leo:  Why is Daddy going to the airport?
Me:  Daddy isn't going to the airport.  The man needed to know how to get there.
Leo:  Why does that man need to go to the airport?
Me:  I don't know; maybe he needs to catch a plane.
Leo:  Why does he need to catch a plane?
Me:  Maybe he's going somewhere.
Leo:  Where's he going?
Me:  I DON'T KNOW, Leo.

As you can see, I get a little tired of answering questions.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sounds like many conversations I have...I'm with ya!